Aaron Pilkington

Aaron Pilkington



San Sobel, Old World


Mentioned In:
A Knight of the Word

Aaron Pilkington was a student at San Sobel Preparatory Academy.


Blond hair and blue eyes.


Aaron was in third grade. Parents were enormously wealthy due to his father’s work with microchips.1A Knight of the Word – p 57

Attempted Kidnapping

On April 1st, a group of men entered San Sobel Preparatory Academy with the intention of kidnapping him. As they did not know any details about Aaron, i.e. which room he was in, which class he was in or who his teacher was, other than having a photo of him, they could not find him and the police were called.2A Knight of the Word – pp 53-54

  • 1
    A Knight of the Word – p 57
  • 2
    A Knight of the Word – pp 53-54