Razor Mountains

Razor Mountains



Known As:
The Razors


Appeared In:
The Sword of Shannara
Jarka Ruus
The Black Elfstone

Mentioned In:

The Razor Mountains were located in the Northland.


A rambling series of low-backed mountains. There were no passes through them and their wide, sloped backs were craggy, jutting slabs of rocks.1The Sword of Shannara – pp 645-646


A mountain range extending westwards from the Malg Swamp.2The Sword of Shannara – p 645

A particularly venomous type of spider lived in the mountains.3The Sword of Shannara – p 646

One or two men had tried to climb the Razor Mountains, but were killed by the spiders.4The Sword of Shannara – p 646

  • 1
    The Sword of Shannara – pp 645-646
  • 2
    The Sword of Shannara – p 645
  • 3
    The Sword of Shannara – p 646
  • 4
    The Sword of Shannara – p 646