Par Ohmsford

Par Ohmsford


Part Human
Part Elf

Father: Jaralan Ohmsford
Mother: Mirianna Ohmsford
Brother: Coll Ohmsford
Wife: Damson Rhee

Shady Vale


Appeared In:
The Scions of Shannara
The Druid of Shannara
The Talismans of Shannara

Mentioned In:
Witch Wraith


Referred To In:
The World of Shannara

Par Ohmsford was the brother of Coll Ohmsford.


Looked small and slender next to Coll. Slight and fair. Unmistakable Elven features: sharply pointed ears and brows, high narrow facial bones.


Descended from Jair Ohmsford.

Two years older than Coll.

Travelled to Varfleet with Coll two weeks before the events of The Scions of Shannara. They found the Blue Whisker Ale House on their first day and persuaded the owner to hire them.

The Talismans of Shannara

Par was found by Padishar Creel hiding in the cellar under the grist mill, but unfortunately a troop of Federation soldiers led by a Seeker followed Padishar. They attempted to fight the soldiers but were being overrun. Just as Par thought he would have to use the Wishsong, the trapdoor behind them was opened from the outside.1The Talismans of Shannara – pp 9-12

Damson Rhee appeared and took them to where the Mole was waiting.2The Talismans of Shannara – pp 12-15

Use of Magic


Par had been born with the Wishsong, almost three hundred years after first came into existence, passed down through ten generations.

Able to use the Wishsong to conjure up images of people, places, events etc that were so lifelike they appeared to be real.

  • 1
    The Talismans of Shannara – pp 9-12
  • 2
    The Talismans of Shannara – pp 12-15