Sinnissippi Park
Appeared In:
Running with the Demon
Mentioned In:
A Knight of the Word
Angel Fire East
Multiple rows of sharpened teeth.
The Maentwrog in the park had been imprisoned in a massive oak tree by Indian magic after it had become so destructive it could no longer be tolerated, a thousand years before the events of Running with the Demon. It had threatened escape a number of times but the magic of the park’s warders, both Human and Sylvan, had been enough to keep it imprisoned.
Running with the Demon
Pick took Nest Freemark to the Maentwrog’s prison after seeing the damage to the tree. The trunk of the oak had been split in three places and the tree oozed a foul, greenish sap.
After escaping the oak tree, it was killed in a battle with John Ross.
- 1Running with the Demon – p 466