Fire Shards

Fire Shards


Four Lands

See Also:
Owners of a Fire Shard


Appeared In:
Dark Wraith of Shannara

A Fire Shard belonged to Kimber Boh.


Cogline gave a Fire Shard to Kimber, telling her to always carry it with her as its magic would protect her one day.1Dark Wraith of Shannara – p 83

Dark Wraith of Shannara

Kimber used the shard to ward off a pack of Werebeasts when she was trapped in a cave with a broken leg.2Dark Wraith of Shannara – pp 82-83

She used it again after she was rescued by Jair Ohmsford, Slanter and Whisper, and the four of them were attacked again.3Dark Wraith of Shannara – pp 91-93

  • 1
    Dark Wraith of Shannara – p 83
  • 2
    Dark Wraith of Shannara – pp 82-83
  • 3
    Dark Wraith of Shannara – pp 91-93